Individual Membership

Virtual Classes
Pay What You Can

SPIRIT Club believes that having access to services that support a healthy lifestyle is more important than whether a person or organization can afford the cost of a gym membership. Therefore, we never want the cost of our virtual services to come between our members and their access to our classes.

SPIRIT Club’s Pay What You Can plan was created to take cost out of the equation when signing up for SPIRIT Club’s virtual classes. We ask that members and partnering organizations pay only what fits comfortably within their budget.

This plan allows for multiple benefits, including:

  • Cutting costs: Instead of having to go to multiple sources to get access to different types of classes, members and partnering organizations have unlimited access to SPIRIT Club’s large variety of classes for one affordable price.  
  • A flat and flexible plan: SPIRIT Club’s Pay What You Can plan is straightforward and simple . No hidden enrollment or cancellation fees. No long term contracts.

Our classes are here for you to experience! Please let us know what you are comfortable paying.