Adapting to the times, SPIRIT Club is now offering classes both in-person and virtually. Learn more about our virtual classes here, and check out our in-person class schedule here.
Our Group Classes offer you a positive, fun, and challenging workout experience that provides a sense of community that is hard to find in a typical fitness program.
Each class kicks off with an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to the group, and is structured in a circle so you are facing and interacting with other members of the class.
Our job is to make sure you feel a sense of community and receive positive support during your class.
Our exercises are accessible, supportive, and challenging for people with and without disabilities through the inclusion of modifications and progressions.
Classes last 1 hour and are typically capped at 12 people to make sure you feel well supported and involved.
If a member will benefit from the presence of a supporter (staff, family member, volunteer), that supporter is welcome to attend the class alongside the member.
Classes focus on building functional skills aimed to improve your capabilities throughout your day-to-day life. Expected outcomes of participation in SPIRIT Fitness include improved balance, strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination, speed, agility, and more. Exercises are taught with visual demonstrations and verbal cues to make sure instructions are clear and easy to follow. While SPIRIT Club trainers focus on a wide range of skills and exercises, SPIRIT Fitness uses a consistent class structure.
Classes offer a fun, music-based exercise experience aimed to improve your cardiovascular endurance, balance, flexibility and more, all while enjoying the many benefits of dance and movement. Classes offer a fun, high-energy atmosphere that can help push you to be as active as possible! Each class begins with the opportunity to introduce yourself and lead your favorite dance move for the group.
Classes offer the many benefits of Yoga practice while maintaining a sense of comfort, positivity and support. All poses include modifications and progressions that allow both beginners and experienced Yogis to have a meaningful practice. SPIRIT Yoga classes focus on increasing balance, body-awareness, flexibility, and sense of inner peace.
Is a walking / running / rolling class aimed to increase your endurance and ability to effectively get from one place to another. SPIRIT Steps classes are led by Sam Smith, RRCA certified Running Coach who has completed 7 full marathons. This class offered 2 different paced groups so you can participate at whatever speed makes you feel most comfortable!
Classes offer a fun, interactive way to increase your coordination, balance, endurance & overall strength by incorporating the basics of boxing into your fitness routine. While this is a non-contact class, you will still learn many of the same skills and techniques that boxers use to keep themselves in great shape.
SPIRIT Beats is a cardio drumming class that incorporates upbeat drumming to the beat of music and a total body exercise experience. Beats classes are low-impact workouts that people of all ages and fitness levels can participate in. Cardio drumming helps improve your motor skills, endurance, and hand-eye coordination and offers many other benefits. Classes are structured in an easy-to-follow and adaptive manner so that everyone can engage in the fun!
If you are coming to SPIRIT Club in a supporter role on behalf of another person in your life, we are happy to work with you and the person you support so we can best understand how to provide them with the best possible training program.